Private residential Landlords are required by law to ensure that a smoke alarm is fitted on every storey of their property and it is recommended that a carbon monoxide alarm is installed in any room that contains a solid fuel burning combustion appliance. Failing to comply with this may lead to fines of up to £5,000.
In addition to this, Landlords must also undertake a Gas Safety Check on every appliance and flues once a year. This must be recorded and certified by a qualified Gas Safe Registered Engineer, and a copy given to tenants within 28 days of the completion of the checks, or immediately to new tenants prior to them coming in.
Landlords must be able to prove and confirm that they have complied with the above requirements at all times.
JUST A THOUGHT….. Landlords are required to ensure the above are done for the safety of their tenants… How many of us have not done this for our OWN family’s safety in our OWN homes?
Installing smoke and carbon monoxide alarms is very simply and inexpensive. In fact the Fire Service may even fit your smoke alarms for free !
A gas safety check is always a good idea not just for safety, but also it may help your heating system become more efficient and save you money in the long run.
Another way for Landlords to save money is to contact Owen & Ewing for a quote for their let property insurance.